How to Start a Successful Farming Journey

Some us grew up in the countryside where going to the farm to tender for the crops was part of a routine. We never did it as a way of becoming successful farmers or gurus in the space. It was about feeding the family and ensuring that we were communally helping out. That’s different from a farmer who wants to …

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A new school coming soon to Mayo Linwa

Earlier this year the village of  Peere in Mayo Linwa, Adamawa Region, was struck by high winds which tore the roof off the only classroom at their primary school.  The walls of the classroom, made from mud blocks, soon collapsed in the rains.  The parents of the 361 children who were enrolled in the school, hurriedly put up more grass …

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Meeting urgent education and protection needs

We will shortly be undertaking a new project, based in the North West and West regions, addressing the needs of many school aged children who are deprived of education because of war and are at risk of exploitation. Around 2,500 schools remain closed after seven years, leaving more than 300,000 children without access to education.  Although the situation is improving, …

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Liberia: Chap Launches Sri/Crrp Climate Resilient Rice Production Training Program in Six Counties

Liberian Investigator Monrovia — The Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), under the National Executing Entity (NEE-CHAP), is spearheading the Scaling up of Climate Resilient Rice Production Project organized by the Rice Production Improvement Consortium of West Africa (RICOWAS) in Liberia. This initiative, funded by the Adaptation Fund through the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS), aims to boost rice production …

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