Education News

African girls who start school late or repeat grades are more likely to leave school early

African girls who start school late or repeat grades are more likely to leave school early

The 2024 Gender Report, Technology on her terms, released recently, reviews progress on gender parity in education for most SDG 4 targets. Despite the myriad range of possibilities to look at gender disparity, the report asserts the continuing growth in girls and young women’s participation in education at different levels, which has helped reverse decades of discrimination.  Progress aside, however, it remains the case that parity has not been achieved at the same rates for all levels of education in sub-Saharan Africa.  As of 2020, for every 100 enrolled males, there were 96 females enrolled in primary, 91 in lower secondary, 87 in upper secondary and 80 in tertiary education. In addition, in absolute numbers, sub-Saharan Africa is the main world region where there are more girls of primary and secondary school age who are out of school than boys – and the out-of-school population is growing.  Enrolment, meanwhile, is...
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