Decline in formal sector employment for 2023 Q4 – Stats SA

The Statistician-General of South Africa Risenga Maluleke on Tuesday reported a decrease in the total number of employees in the formal non-agricultural sector by 194 000 in the fourth quarter of 2023, bringing the level of employment to 10.7-million people. Maluleke was releasing the results of the Non-financial Census of Municipalities 2022, where he said the decrease is from 10 899 000 employed in September 2023 to 10 705 000 in December 2023. He said this is a decline of 1.8%. According to the Quarterly Employment Statistics survey released by Statistics South Africa, 98 000 jobs were created between December 2022 and December 2023. Maluleke noted that the community services industry saw the highest number of job losses, totalling 214 000, followed by the construction industry which lost 19 000 jobs, and the business services industry, which experienced a loss of 12 000 jobs. The mining sector reported a moderate decrease, with 1 000 job losses reported during the same period, he added.

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